Monday, 1 March 2010

Teaching Lets Go Command to Dog With Leash

The equipment you will need is simple: a leash, a loose fitting collar for your dog's neck, and a squeaky toy that you will use to divert his attention towards you.

Because new puppies are basically distracted by anything and everything around them, it is important to start your lets go - leash training in a comparatively quiet area. There ought to be very little distractions from other felines and canines, children, and loud noises. The ideal area would be a private yard or a quiet sidewalk in front, as long as you have a little little bit of privacy.

At this point your dog ought to be very turned on to the squeaky toy and will need to follow your hands and the fun noises that follow. To check this out you ought to get your dog's attention diverted away from you, perhaps towards another animal, and then start squeezing the toy to see if he forgets the activity around her and darts towards you and the noise.

The first thing you will need to do is to get your dog interested in the squeaky toy that you have brought with you. Play with it and show it to her in a friendly manner while speaking to your dog simultaneously and as, or look what I got - doing so in a tone of voice that makes your puppy feel comfortable and playful. Everybody has that cutesy voice that like to speak to their pets with, so use yours!

Now The Training Begins

Stand together with your dog at your left side while you have coiled most of the leash in your right hand. Your left hand ought to be holding the finish of the leash near the collar as well as the squeaky toy. When you are prepared to move, give a loud "Let's Go!" command and start to walk away. It is important that your command is in a cheerful and positive tone of voice.

Your dog ought to then start moving at your same pace because there is little room for the leash to extend and the fun in a squeaky toy that he loves a lot is right near her face, keeping her entertained and enthusiastic to move towards that direction.

Be definite to utilize the simple training procedure for only a few steps at a time. In the event you make the error of trying to keep your dog walking on the leash after giving the let's go command for far lengths at a time, he will get bored quickly and will cease watching you in the toy, as well as your movements.

Repeat this protocol as often as needed until your dog will follow in your direction without the use of a diversion (the squeaky toy).

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