Saturday, 27 March 2010

A Comfortable Stable For Horses

Tips On Building A Stable

Location – Stables must be located in a well-ventilated area not only for the benefit of your horses but yours as well. The smell of the stables is rarely desirable and it’s best for everyone to keep it at a considerable distance from the house.

Box Space – If you have more than one horse, you’ll have to divide the stable accordingly. Each box or stall must provide sufficient space for the horses to be able to lie down and stretch its legs in comfort.

Height – Height isn't much of a factor when building a stable just as long as the horse’s head doesn’t hit the ceiling.

Stall Doors – You have two choices for stall doors: sliding or swinging. Sliding doors are the practical choice for stalls of limited size because you won't have to move the horse farther back whenever someone enters or leaves the stall. Regardless of your choice, however, make sure that you install heavy duty locks for the doors. Stall doors should also be made of extremely durable material so that horses won't kick it open when they’re having a fit.

Aisles – For stables housing a number of horses, an aisle must be created if two rows of stalls will be built. If so, make sure that the aisle is wide enough for you and your horse to walk in comfort.

Flooring – Concrete is considered the best choice of flooring for stables because it’s easier to clean and disinfect compared to other types of flooring. Whichever flooring type you end up using, just make sure that you have an effective drainage system to rely on to prevent ammonia or any other undesirable material from building up.

Lighting – Light is a source of comfort for horses as well as it is for us. When having light fixtures installed in the stable, the safety of your horses should be your top priority. Firstly, lighting must be sufficient for all the horses in the stable. Secondly, it must be kept out of reach from horses to prevent them from getting injured in the event that there’s electrical failure.

Food And Water Storage Area – Food must always be kept in a warm dry part of the stable and kept clean at all times to prevent rats and other small animals from getting in and eating the horse’s food. It’s also essential that you keep the water heated at all times because some horses are picky when it comes to what they’re drinking.

Other Tips To Keep Your Horse In Comfort

It’s possible for you to keep your horses in a barn alongside other animals but expect them to undergo a noisy period of adjustment before they can settle in properly.

Clean your horse’s living area regularly. Don’t wait until they resemble Augean stables. Regular cleaning won't only allow horses to live in a beautiful environment but this can also reduce the health risks on your horses.

Always keep a sufficient amount of hay in each stall to allow your horses to feed whenever they feel the need. At the same time, make sure that your horse always has at least a bucket of water nearby since horses get easily dehydrated.

If you don’t have sufficient budget for building a comfortable stable for your horses, the best you can do is to rent living space from boarding stables. Your monthly fee may also include food, water, and other living expenses of your horse.

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