Monday, 1 March 2010

8 Signs That Your Dog Is Suffering From Heat Exhaustion

1. If your dog is staggering around.
2. His panting is heavier than normal & may have a slight rasping sound to it.
3. Does he appear excessively anxious with a delirious expression on his face?
4. Check his skin, it may be warm to the touch as well is dry.
5. Does your dog appear weak yet restless?
6. Check his temperature, he may have a fever higher than 104°F.
7. Check his mouth & look for inappropriate salivation.
8. He may also start sessions of diarrhea mixed with vomiting as well.

If you are concerned because your dog was out in the hot weather for longer than expected, pay attention to the following signs which may indicate he is suffering from a heat condition:

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