Friday 9 July 2010

Pit Bull Obedience Training with Clicker

Researchers have shown in dog studies that the clicker promotes obedience training without the use of discipline. The idea behind it is that whenever your Pit does something positive, he'll get rewarded & continue to behave in that manner. Canines are very clever & in the event that they do something that earns them praise or a tasty treat, they will quickly learn to repeat the action.

A popular process being used for Pit Bull terrier training is with the help of a "clicker". Clicker training makes use of a small plastic box that has a metal button on top of it which makes a clicking sound when pressed. Clicker training is the kind of training where the dog decides whether or not it suits him. There's been plenty of success tales with clicker training.

Training your Pit Bull terrier with a clicker is a great way to reinforce positive behaviors. If your Pit obeys you by following your "sit" command, basically give the clicker a "click" & immediately reward him with a treat. The next time your Pit Bull obeys, do the same but don't say anything verbally. Your dog will soon recognize that whenever they sits, they hears a "click" & gets a treat. This is powerful because they will associate the clicking sound with positive reinforcement & will soon obey even without the treat.

Clicker dog training is seldom used together with negative reinforcement because researchers think that although punishment does cease some bad behaviour, it could also potentially generate other undesirable behaviors. Punishment, or negative reinforcement, is  always practiced after a dog has completed something wrong. Therefore, canines see punishment as a random consequence which makes in ineffective as a training process.

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