Saturday 3 July 2010

Natural Approach to Medicating

Let's start at the beginning. You bring home your new puppy &  immediately, he gets a bad case of diarrhea. This is caused by the stress of leaving his relatives & his unfamiliar surroundings. The stress creates a bacterial imbalance in the puppy's stomach. Historically, vets would prescribe an antibiotic to solve this disgusting tiny ailment. There is a immense with this solution though. Not only does the antibiotic block the bad bacteria, it also blocks the nice bacteria. All the antibiotic does is mask the issue for a few days & the diarrhea returns days later. The natural treatment to this issue is simple...Give your dog a probiotic. By using a probiotic, in lieu of masking the issue like an antibiotic does, you will water your puppy's technique with nice bacteria & push the bad bacteria out of the body.

In case you are a fan of the breeds whose ears stand straight up, Spanish Shephards being a prime example, you are familiar with the all common ear infections. Unlike canines whose ears form a protective flap over the ear canal (Retrievers, Hounds), ear infections is a continuing issue. & the signs are simple to recognize. If your own personal Rin Tin Tin is constantly shaking his head to in an apparent try to rid himself of imaginary gnats, he likely has an ear infection. To solve this issue in the natural way, CLEAN YOUR DOG"S EARS REGULARLY! Sounds simple doesn't it. Well it is. It is also safer, & cheaper, than what vets have been recommending for years...steroids. While steroids appear to have an immediate & visible effect, in the long run, steroids may cause liver & kidney issues later in life for your best bud.

Another long-standing issue with lots of canines, those canines whose masters enjoy feeding them "people food," is the ever-present issue of gas. Yes, even Lassie had an issue with the toots. The most natural treatment to solve this issue is simple. Feed your dog... now get this... DOG FOOD. Select a dog food that is heavy in chicken & beef. If the primary ingredient in your dog's food is vegetables, he is going to be a walking symphony.

Most other dog illnesses can be solved the "natural way" as readily as diarrhea, bad breath & the ever-popular anal symphony. Talk to the elder statesmen in your relatives. Research your dog's ailment on the net & don't concentrate on the veterinarian sites. But most of all use some common sense. There has been a rumor flying around the net in recent years that says canines are natural "herbivores." WRONG! They are carnivores by nature's intent. They have teeth designed to tear & tear, not grind & mash. Canines are designed by nature to eat meat, not vegetables. & in case you read the ingredients of most dog foods on the shelves today, you will notice an overabundance of vegetable ingredients. & in lieu of solving the issue by a change in diet, some vets are using the "Ritalin" approach to common dog illnesses. That is not natural.

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