Friday 9 July 2010

Making Dog to be Great Walking Partners

Retractable leashes are fine on sizable canines or smaller canines as far as controlling potential rope tangles, but offer no control in restraining your pet. In case you have a sizable dog, lots of leverage on the leash is in the dog's favor which makes it frustrating and defeats the purpose. For that matter then, a nice long rope works as well. You can purchase either at an online pet supply shop or department store.

Another device used is a body harness. While it is great for securing your dog to an inanimate object you will be in for a small bit of a surprise when it comes to jogging your dog. The body harness, which is available at any online pet supply store, is ineffective as a training device. It is actually designed to maximize your dog's pulling power when hauling a load behind him, not to minimize his power so you can control the way you would like your dog to behave.

A standard, nylon dog collar and a six-foot leash is all you need when it comes to making a training exercise simpler. You will find plenty at an online pet supply store. excellent method for leash training is called the "tree" method. All you need to do is become an immovable object until your dog ceases to balk at the leash and will permit a slack to create. Think about the following scenario. Stand in place and permit the dog to pick which direction it would like to go. While standing still, permit the dog to pull, but neither correct nor enforce your dog's actions. When you find that a looseness is evident in the leash, move in the direction your dog desires to go, enforcing the slackness of the leash and praising your dog loudly. Keep in mind to cease short as soon as your dog starts to pull on the leash again. Doing this every day will train your dog to be your best jogging partner ever!

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