Tuesday 20 July 2010

Flea Control

Fleas are tiny insects that can giving humans and their pets massive troubles with a small stab of their proboscis. There's over two,400 species of fleas worldwide, but fortunately, there's or species of fleas that are a threat to humans. The most often found species in The united states is the cat flea, which feeds on felines and canines, as well as humans.

An infestation of fleas can be a serious threat, not merely an irritation, in some cases. Flea bites may cause skin irritations as well serious allergies in pets and humans. Sometimes, more hazardous fleas pass on serious diseases. So it becomes important to prevent them from breeding, or destroying them one time they are present, by using various measures.

The first step towards stopping the growth of the fleas is through vacuuming the house on a regular basis. This helps in keeping the flea population low by killing adult and egg-stage fleas, although vacuuming has not proven effective in killing the flea larvae. As a more advanced step, cracks ought to be sealed after vacuuming, to permanently eliminate these favourite breeding areas for fleas.

In cases of extreme infestation, steam cleaning and other measures might be necessary. Research shows that if a cat flea larva is exposed to 1030F for hour, it dies. Some commercial devices are available in the market to produce such deadly temperatures. As this tool that generates heat consists of a loose shaft, it can only be applied locally. Therefore, fleas may escape by hiding in the carpet or elsewhere.

Another process of killing fleas is by using insecticidal on the organic matter accumulated outside the house. Another product, named Insecticidal Dust, containing silica aero gel, is also successful in killing fleas by rupturing their skin and absorbing the oil and moisture. The direct application of products containing citrus peel extracts, d-limonene, and linalool on pets' bedding are useful in killing fleas in all the stages of growth. Finally, pest control products sold by veterinary doctors, like sodium poly-borate, applied on carpets, are also useful in killing fleas.

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