Wednesday 30 June 2010

Ringworm in Pets

In humans, ringworm is a ring formed red rash on the skin, but in your pet it can look like most anything. A common human type of ringworm is otherwise known as athletes foott. Canines and felines are susceptible to forms of ringworm, and your cat can pass ringworm on to you, although only a small percentage of human cases are caused by the same fungus that infects canines and felines. The individuals who have the highest chance of catching ringworm from their pet are young babies, the elderly and people with a weak immune process. Most people will create an immunity and therefore will never contract the same strain again.

There's forms of ringworm that affect canines and felines. Felines tend to become infected with the most common form. A second form is carried by rats and can be picked up by canines who might dig in rodent burrows. A third form can be present in soil fungus.

How do you tell if your pet has ringworm?

 sign could be patchy hair or crusty bumps on the skin. If your pet is itching spot on a regular basis this might be a sign. In the event you suspect your cat or dog has ringworm, take him to the vet right away. Treatment needs to be speedy and aggressive, usually using topical dips or shampoos, clipping your pets hair and in some cases an oral anti fungal can be prescribed. In canines Ketoconazole is usually prescribed and in felines Itraconazole. Another flea control program, namely Program, may even be used and is given to felines and canines orally.

Treatment can last for 8 weeks or more and you require to continue it until your vet confirms that no ringworm is present, even if your pet looks as if it is getting better!Treating your home is also important in the control of ringworm. Fungal spores can persist in places like your carpet for up to two years. Hair tends to be the enemy, therefore getting rids of pet hairs in your home is the best way to rid the fungus from your home. Ringworm fungus like to grow in dark spaces like hair and debris, therefore regular emptying of your vacuum is essential. In the event you have ringworm in your home, empty the vacuum bag each time you vacuum.

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