Sunday 6 June 2010

Feed Your Pet With Raw Foods

Your other pets such as horses, guinea pigs, birds & rabbits also need natural raw food in order to prosper. They do not forage for pellets, let me tell you. Lots of birds are omnivorous so they will eat fruits, veggies & meat. While our other furry & feathered friends need to eat fresh fruits & vegetables

Carbohydrates are not needed by dogs(or felines). Carnivores cannot maintain long term production of the quantity of amylase enzyme necessary to properly digest & utilize the carbohydrates. In addition, the proteins in grains are less digestive than animal proteins. As a result, the immune process becomes irritated & weakened by the invasion of foreign, nonnutritive protein & carbohydrate particles."

So what do you think most packaged pet foods often know as premium kibble contain? Grains. Byproducts. Poisonous preservatives.
The query would then arise, if pet food manufacturers know this (they must because they are in business to know) why are these things added to our pet food & why are they told that these packaged foods are so nice? Even our mainstream veterinarians are selling these foods to us.
Nice questions. Part of the reason is because it is cheaper to make use of grains & byproducts. Byproducts can be anything we'd normally throw out such as beaks, feathers, feet/hooves, euthanized animals, road kill, you name it. It all gets rendered & added in to our packaged pet foods.
Oh but it gets better. These foods are then baked.

What's wrong with commercial foods? The number item which makes commercial foods inappropriate for pets is that these foods are cooked. No has ever reported seeing wild animals routinely barbecuing their meals! Raising the temperature of food above 118°F destroys all the enzymes & lots of of the nutrients. To top it all off, in order to be able to say that these commercial foods have all the needed nutrients in them, they SPRAY on the nutrients. To get more details on this pick up the book by Ann Martin, Foods Pets Die For.
 of the best things you can do if you are confused about how to start feeding your pets a natural diet is to first discover a holistic veterinarian in your area & then find out what is appropriate for your pet. Homeopathic & holistic vets adhere & promote the whole natural lifestyle for your pets & can help you put together a diet that will give your pet what he/she needs for full nutritional support.

All the issues we are seeing in our pets: allergies, skin disorders, cancer, diabetes, feather plucking, pulling out furr, etc., can  always be attributed to poor nutrition AND to food allergies. Their immune systems are compromised because they are not getting nutrition to support themselves which then weakens their immune process. Then they see disease. If the immune process is not supported properly, disease gets a front door welcome in to your pets bodies.
So in the event you need to start seeing your pets live healthier, longer lives & also greatly reduce your vet bills, then switch to a natural, raw food diet. Your pets will love you for it!

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