Saturday 7 August 2010

Skin Cancer and Your Pets

These days, skin cancer is a concern for everyone. It is simple to go to the grocery store & discover a sizable variety of sun block with all the different SPF levels. It is not news that ultraviolet radiation is unsafe, but it might be news that it is as unsafe for your dog or cat as it is for us.

No wishes to suffer the pain of watching their small go through skin cancer, so it is important to take the proper steps to keep away from the disease. Skin cancer is surprisingly common in canines & felines, & the main culprit is the same for humans...UV radiation. Although your mate is furry, they or they is still susceptible to overexposure of the sun. Not to worry, though, there's simple & even fun steps can take to protect their dog or cat.

According to Dr. Ruthanne Chun, assistant professor & oncology researcher at Kansas State's College of Veterinary Medicine, skin cancer is the most common cancer among canines & the second most common among felines. For canines, 450 of every 100,000 will be diagnosed with skin cancer, & for felines it is 120 of every 100,000.

 as with humans, UV rays from the sun play a sizable role in causing skin cancer with canines & felines. Plenty of owners may think that their dog's or cat's coat will protect them, but this is only partially true. Plenty of breeds have short, narrow coats & fair skin on their ears & bellies. These areas are in the most danger of developing skin cancer.

Aside from overexposure to UV, other known causes of skin cancer are viruses, hormones, burns, genetics & vaccines (only in felines). One time an owner educates him or herself about these causes, the proper steps can be taken to prevent skin cancer in canines & felines.

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