Saturday 7 August 2010

Peculiarities Nesting of Canaries

If at the time of laying eggs the female canary stays bristled up and immovable, this might mean that it's difficulties in laying eggs. The mature egg, prepared to be laid, cannot pass through the cloaca - the reasons can be different. The normally formed egg cannot be laid by the female only when it is ill or weak. In strange situations often it happens so that the egg has no shell and only an egg with a shell can press the muscles of the oviduct - a soft egg without a shell can do this. The shell does not form only when the organism of the female bird does not have calcium. Excessively young females often have difficulties in laying eggs.

IMPORTANT! In case you do not have experience, take the bird to a vet. Only a experienced selectionist can afford to try different types of help.

Suggestions for advanced ones:

- Turn on the infra red light.
- With a pipette drip a drop in to the cloaca. It often helps and after half an hour the egg gets out.
- simple and carefully massage the area around the cloaca.The egg without a shell cracks and practically drips out. Controversially - the normally formed egg ought to not crack as pieces of the shell may cause internal traumas.

How to prevent nesting?

Usually female canaries are prepared to nest from spring till the beginning of summer which makes it feasible to nest one time -twice a year, the same as the free living canaries. The delicate domestic canaries could " fall out " of this rhythm and to be prepared to nest for excessively long time. Over two nestings a year are exhausting for the female bird. In such cases you ought to interfere and prevent them. This, of coursework, can be completed after the first nesting in case that you don't need other small ones.

One of the possibilities is not to give the female bird any opportunity to make a nest, this means to take out all materials necessary to make a nest. Sometimes this reduces its desire to build a nest. However, plenty of female birds go on by plucking feathers from themselves or from the male canary. In such cases you have no other chance than allowing the bird to build the nest and to lay eggs. Then replace every egg laid with an artificial. The female bird can incubate these eggs as long as it wishes. Finally remove the nest - you ought to not trouble that the female bird will suffer from psychiatrical shock and will be mournful. Such cases in wild nature can be seen often. Laying eggs is not a guaranty to bring up a offspring, they could not be inseminated.

What you ought to not do? To give medication which prevent nesting.First of all they are not efficient and second they are harmful often.

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