Monday 9 August 2010

Physical Traits of Great Danes

Great danes employ significant features. can deduce some knowledge about the eye and coat color, and nose and ear shape from some specifications observed. These features are the widely known examples of the effects of a great dane's DNA. In order to understand why our great dane's have these outstanding physical properties, they must first understand their background.

Each great dane carries sets of genetics. These genetics are passed from the dog's parents. These sets of genes can be very similar to each other or may be so different that can be suspicious about the dog's identity. Physical and emotional properties of the dog in his/her future life is partially determined by these genes: i.e, according to the similarity level in a great dane's genes, his/her outstanding features possess their role.

Now that we have discussed the way in which your dog has received its genetic makings, they can turn our attention to of the most fascinating features of your great dane: it is coat color. The colors that are most often observed on great danes are black, white, mantle and merle. Each color is determined by the genetic properties of the dog and these can be classified in major groups: A-series, E-series and D-series.

A-series genes have an impact on the dog's coat color incorporating forms of melanin. Because of the different types of melanin pigment in your great dane's genes, several color ranges can be found: namely, black, brown and saddle. E-series genes employ yellow/red pigment in your dog's body, and as can be seen in Yellow Labradors and Irish Settlers as well. Now for the curious, but fascinating D-series genes: check the existence of recessive genes. When is found, D-series turn the blue pigment on and provide the body with blue in lieu of black historicallyin the past injected by A-series.

Nevertheless, an additional outstanding feature of your Great Dane is his/her ears. Most people are surprised to find that their great dane does not have ears which stand straight up. Actually, in their natural state, your pet's ears will flop down around his face, much like the ears of a Labrador. Most people select to have their Great Dane's ears cropped between the ages of 6-8 weeks elderly. Despite this knowledge, cropping is not a necessary procedure, as it offers no benefits for your pet.

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