Sunday, 30 May 2010

Top 10 Parts to Keep in Mind When Working Along with Your Dog

- Know what your doing. Before commencing any type of training, do your research first! To offer, pet owners try to do all the work their way, get frustrated and take out their frustrations on their pet. Having an understanding of the methodology behind the lots of types of training, will benefit you to know finish.

- Consistency. Being consistent along with your approach is very important when dealing along with your dog in any aspect of life. When working along with your dog try to make use of the same approach each time. Changing training methods mid session for example will only confuse your dog even over he-she already is. Furthermore, set up training time at least two times a day, and keep to these times. Training time is important, the more sessions you set up the more productivity you can expect in the long run.

- Keep your sessions short. The attention span of a dog is frail at the best of times, thus it is crucial to keep the sessions short. Keep in mind keep the sessions short but do not sacrifice content. Rome was not built in a day.

- Never punish your pet for what they don't know! To offer, I have seen people talk to their pet with the understanding that their beloved dog is a master of the English language, only to punish them when the desired response is not carried out. This bothers me because it shows me that that person would bully their pet in to submitting than taking the time to research, create and implicate an approach to help the dog learn the desired response to positive words or phrases.

- Keep training sessions fun. Canines as do people, like to have fun, and why shouldnĂ‚¡Ă‚¦t they? Training can be fun for you and your pet! Be lively, treat nice behavior, praise your dog to no finish, make him feel like he is the best dog in the world, even if he is not!

- Train to your dog's strength. As said above every dog has its own unique persona, therefore they must identify characteristics of our pets in order to take advantage of them in our training sessions. If your pet is very lively, take advantage of that! In the coursework of training sessions, be lively yourself! Match your canines enthusiasm, when your happy, your pet will be happy and your pet will be very happy come training time.
If your dog has a laid back shy persona, take this in to account when training. Still be lively and upbeat as this will spark the interest of your dog, however keep in mind that due to his/her persona, displaying comprehension may take longer due to the shy nature of your dog. It is important to make a shy laid back dog feel tremendous great in the coursework of training sessions as this can only improve your chances of continuing successful training.

- Incorporate training in to your everyday method. It can be very beneficial to perform individual obedience exercises through out the day. Basically by performing the sit exercise while you brush him, or having the dog sit while you attach his leash can help to imprint the sitting position. Keep tiny things like this in mind as they can only aid you and your pet.

- Be patient. Remember you are trying to teach your dog! Your dog is a non-english speaking individual, lacking house manners, behavioral skills, curticy, do I need to continue??
Take your time, play to your dog¡¦s strength, praise, respect, keep sessions short and compact, and have fun!

- Empathize with your dog. The best example I can think of for this suggestion, is going to a foreign country and trying to comprehend what people are saying. Somebody will come up to you and starts rambling on in a foreign tongue and you have no clue what they are saying. Your dog is in the same predicament with you. When you start training your dog, he-she has no clue on earth what you are saying. How is he-she supposed to respond if he-she doesn't know what you want? As in the above example, the more time you spend in the foreign country, the more familiar you become with the language. You can apply the same principle with your dog. 

- Reward good behavior. The best way to reinforce good behavior is to reward it. Others may disagree with this statement, but through my experience with my own dog and others around me, I have found that rewarding good behavior can only aid in maintaining that behavior. In my opinion, the best way of rewarding good behavior is through offering toys or treats. Praise is also worthy but your dog is driven by his belly in most cases, and you can achieve astonishing success by baiting your dog with the occasional ruse of the treat bag.

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