Friday, 28 May 2010

Tarantulas, A Low Maintenance Pet

Contrary to popular belief, tarantulas are not deadly; in fact, there's no known instances of someone dying from a tarantula bite. In addition, most of the pet store specimens that you will encounter are exceedingly docile, and will usually not bite unless they are severely provoked.

The most common variety obtainable is the Chilean rose hair tarantula (Grammastola rosea), which is notoriously gentle and simple to handle. It is also known to have mild venom, and  never bites. Other docile and obtainable species include the Honduran curly hair tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum) and the Guyana pinktoe tarantula (Avicularia avicularia).

Unlike a dog or a cat, these animals do not require much care. They can go for weeks without food or water, although regular care is still recommended. They do not generate much waste either, and so cleaning their cages is simple as well. Some species do have specific humidity requirements, but the most common pet store varieties are not so demanding. They also require tiny space, and most of them can be kept in plastic shoebox-sized containers. Make positive that their lids fit tightly though, since these animals can be nice at escaping.

I do recommend reading up on tarantula care, so as to learn the proper care requirements for the specimen that you pick. Be aware that some species can be aggressive, and are not recommended for beginners. These species are less often obtainable though, and are usually obtained by mail order. If in doubt, start with a Chilean rose hair, as this is an excellent beginner species.

Also, do keep in mind that you never must actually hold the tarantulas--just as you never must actually hold your aquarium fish. I recommend reading up on handling techniques, so that you can move the animals around without having to touch them. This can be helpful for those who are squeamish, or who basically require to be cautious. When in doubt, err on the side of safety.

Owners ought to be aware that even within docile species, there can be some individuals that are more aggressive than others. In addition, there is always the chance of an allergic reaction in the event you are bitten. In theory, this might lead to a potentially deadly anaphylactic shock, although I am not aware of any circumstances in which this has actually happened. For these reasons, new owners ought to learn how to read a tarantula's body language, and ought to stay away from species that have a reputation for biting without provocation.

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