Thursday 19 August 2010

Getting Your Puppy to Sleep

Pups ought to have a warm place to sleep. Seldom leave them outside of a night time, in lieu use the laundry, or outside garden shed etc. Any place that is enclosed & can provide shelter, at least until the dog is older.

Cover the floor with newspaper, this won't only help tidy up any over night accidents but will also help when it comes to toilet training. If you have used a blanket in the coursework of the day for your pup to sleep on, put that on the floor as well, using the command of bed in the coursework of the day will also help when it comes to training & going to bed of a night time. When it comes to going to bed at night, in case you have an elderly jumper or other piece of clothing that carries your scent, place that on the blanket as well.

Make sure your pup has lots of water, a few puppy biscuits & some chew toys. This will help to keep your pup amused in the coursework of the long hours of the night.

Having a radio, or other low volume noise playing in the background may even be helpful, anything to give your puppy the impression that they is not alone.

Seldom go in & smack your puppy because they is crying, he is lonely. Not only is they missing his littermates, but now he is also missing you. In case you do require to go in & try & settle him down, don't make it a play time - it can encourage bad habits. Go in & settle him then leave him alone again.

When morning finally comes (& sometimes it can appear like an extraordinarily long night) go in & praise him & take him outside(or other assigned area) to do his business.

These are some general tips that may show helpful. keep in mind that puppies will learn what is right & wrong quickly so always praise them when they do the right thing. It won't be long before you are one time again having a calm nights sleep.

1 comment:

  1. nice info my friend, i have puppy too :)
